Why do lymphedema and wound therapists need to know heart and lung sounds, assessment and interventions?

Assessing heart and lung health is crucial for patients with lymphedema and wounds because these systems help to properly deliver blood and oxygen throughout the body, which is vital for repairing tissues and healing wounds. By identifying and providing effective cardiovascular and pulmonary interventions to any heart or lung problems, healthcare providers can greatly improve recovery times and decrease the risk of further issues for patients with these complex health conditions.

Join us for this hands on course designed to assess heart and lungs sounds and health to better your patient outcomes!

"Examination and treatment of the cardiovascular and pulmonary patient"

A hands-on approach to improving patient outcomes.

Tuesday 3, 2025 10:00am-5:00pm EST

Detailed Schedule Click Here


1. Understanding and performing cardiovascular and pulmonary examinations including
heart and lung sounds auscultation, chest wall expansion, submaximal tests, and vascular
2. Understanding and performing cardiovascular and pulmonary interventions including
breathing exercises, airway clearance, and prescription for aerobic exercises.
3. Incorporate clinical decision-making and outcome measures to improve the
cardiovascular patient outcomes.


Intermediate education for licensed health care professionals.


Best suited for licensed healthcare professionals who work with individuals with cancer and lymphedema. PT, PTA, OT, COTA, MD, DO, DPM, PA, NP, RN and other advanced healthcare professionals or service providers.

Course Description

Assessing heart and lung health is crucial for patients with lymphedema and wounds because these systems help to properly deliver blood and oxygen throughout the body, which is vital for repairing tissues and healing wounds. By identifying and providing effective cardiovascular and pulmonary interventions to any heart or lung problems, healthcare providers can greatly improve recovery times and decrease the risk of further issues for patients with these complex health conditions.


Join us for this hands on course designed to assess heart and lungs sounds and health to better your patient outcomes.  

This course will go through the spectrum of cardiovascular and pulmonary (CVP) patient
management from knowledge to hands-on treatment. Common CVP pathologies will be
reviewed, and through teleconference, skills training on various CVP examination and
intervention procedures will be conducted. Areas of hands-on skills training include CVP
dysfunction assessment including heart and lung auscultation, palpation, breathing patterns,
vascular testing, and chest wall expansion. In addition, this hands-on workshop will incorporate
various cardiovascular and pulmonary interventions including airway clearance techniques,
breathing strategies and safe prescription of aerobic exercises, while maintaining patient safety
and effectively monitoring physiological vital signs. Complex CVP patient case studies will be
utilized to reinforce didactic and manual techniques to improving clinical decision making to
best optimize patient outcomes.

8 hours



Dr. Vatwani is the Graduate Program Director, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program and Clinical AssociateProfessor at Old Dominion University (ODU). Prior to ODU, she was an Associate Professor, Doctor ofPhysical Therapy program at Nova Southeastern University (NSU). She is an acute care physical therapistwith a clinical expertise in cardiovascular and pulmonary high-acuity patients and worked at The JohnsHopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD for a decade, and has previously served as the founding co-chair of theFlorida Physical Therapy Association Acute Care Special Interest group. She has authored several peer-reviewed articles, abstracts, and presentations. She is the recipient of the 2022 Healthcare DiversityLeader Award from the National Diversity Council, 2022 American Physical Therapy Association MinorityFaculty Scholarship award, and a member of the Alpha Eta Honor Society.

Tuesday Jun 3, 2025 10:00am-5:00pm EST

Detailed Schedule Click HERE